Andrea J Lanning
S o n g w r i t e r . A u t h o r .
G a m e s & M u l t i m e d i a.
About Andrea J Lanning
Andrea J Lanning resides in London, United Kingdom where she completed studies towards a BSc in Games & Multimedia Technologies.
Andrea wrote her first song around 8-10 years of age. She can't recall what prompted her to write her first song but describes it as something that just came out of the blue. She feels songwriting is one of the things she was pre-destined to do. The first song was well crafted with proper rhyme, verses and choruses, so she feels her songwriting is a natural gift. She still remembers the lyrics of one chorus:
Come unto me
I want to be your friend
Come unto me
Let me hold your hand
Let me lead you right now to a place
That's fairer than day
Where troubles will never pass your way
Just for the fun of it, I took an IQ Test and 137 was my result. It was my first and only result done of the test at
Songwriting has remained a craft and talent Andrea will always continue to enjoy and share - along with her other creative skills in multimedia design and game design and development.
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